Club History

Club History

Founded at a meeting instigated by Reverend R W Rutherford and other golf enthusiasts in December 1895.

Until 1904 the course was situated on farmland. A 9-hole course was then laid out south of the railway, the pavilion was a short walk from Shotts station.

The following is taken from the 1905 Nisbet's Golf Yearbook; secretary, J Hutton, Balcarres, Shotts; captain, J Sommerville J.P; amateur record, Rev R W Rutherford; nine-holes; entrance fee nil and subs 10/s; The holes are short,but tricky, necessitating careful, accurate play.

Opening of the new course in September 1905.

The annual meeting was held in January 1914 when the following officers were elected; President, James Sommerville J.P; captain, James Sneddon; secretary, D C Scoullar, Benhar Road; treasurer, Henry Wilson, The Bank, Shotts; committee - John Brown, Alfred Dye, William Chalmers, James Kirkwood, Rev R W Rutherford, A B M Smith, W G Turnbull and John Wilson.

Result of the Scratch and President’s competitions played in June 1920; A Chapple (President’s), 89-12-77; J R Torrance, 88-10-78; T W Stanners, 93-14-79; A Brownlie (Scratch), 80; R Scott, 89-9-80; J Glasgow, 91-10-81; R Gibson, 99-18-81; D C Scoular, 87-4-83; J Chapple, 95-12-83.

The club moved to the present location at Blairhead in 1922.

In 1936 the legendary Golf Course Architect James Braid designed and set down the present day lay out.The present layout of Shotts was developed in 1936 by James Braid and took until 1949 to complete.

The club's famous 4th hole, the "The Devils Elbow", was voted one of the top holes in Scottish golf.